Senior Manager of Enterprise Applications Finance Lead responsible for next-generation global IT systems

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Job Description

1. Lead and support the ISD (Information Systems Division) colleagues working in Finance Costing and all related tools.
2. Be the main responsible / interface between the defined business key users and the ISD Enterprise Applications Finance team.
3. Support our internal customers using the provided systems you are responsible for in case of problems.
4. Collaborate with members of other Process and IT(Information Technology) teams to configure the solution.
5. Follow the defined ISD change management process.
6. Collaborate on innovative solutions to support the future of Finance.
7. Attend conferences on ERP and related topics to stay informed about available technologies in the market.

*This position is based in Japan (Remote work possible within Japan)
*The full details regarding your position scope as well as any future potential changes in work location and job scope will be provided during the interview process.



  •  7+ years of professional experience of SAP FI/CO functional proficiency and hands-on configuration
  • Language skills
    -Japanese: N1 or equivalent level
    -English: TOEIC score above 600


  1. Ensure the solution built is scalable to high volume, flexible for future enhancements, and upgradable for next generation solutions. 
  2. Project / task management and implementation performance based on agreed time scheduled with the business users.
  3.  Performance on service desk requests, based on key user feedback and statistics.
  4. Tight monitoring of external suppliers which delivers services.


Additional Information

Our company, which develops semiconductor business combined with solution business as well as automated driving technology for automobiles that anticipates the needs of society, continues to grow as a global company. In order to enhance our portfolio, we have been actively acquiring overseas semiconductor companies and overcoming major changes, and a new global culture different from that of purely Japanese companies has taken root. In order to continue to defend our leading position in the fierce semiconductor competition, we are currently undergoing a business process/IT integration project to develop industry-leading business processes and revamp our IT environment. The goal is to achieve the best business processes to remain a leading company in the future, without sticking to the business processes of the former Renesas and other acquired companies.
The IT department will support this overall business at its core. The management understands the need to retain IT personnel who are well versed in business processes, and we are looking for someone who will be involved in the development and operation of SAP in the IT department in a global corporate culture. 

Recuiter : Masana Ueno

ルネサスは、「To Make Our Lives Easier 」(人々の暮らしを楽“ラク”にする)というPurposeの下、組み込み半導体ソリューションを提供します。高品質とシステムレベルノウハウを兼ね備えた組み込み半導体のリーダーとして、自動車、産業、インフラ・IoT分野向けに、ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング、組み込みプロセッシング、アナログ&コネクティビティ、そしてパワーを含めた幅広い製品ポートフォリオを軸とした、スケーラブルで包括的なソリューションを提供しています。

ルネサスは、30か国以上で21,000 人を超える多様性あふれる従業員と共に、限界に挑戦しながら、デジタライゼーションを通じてユーザエクスペリエンスを充実化させ、新たなイノベーションの時代を切り開いていきます。そして世界中の人々やコミュニティの未来のために、持続可能で省エネ効果の高いソリューションの開発に全力で取り組み、「To Make Our Lives Easier」を実現します。    


  • キャリアをスタート、そしてキャリアアップ:4つのプロダクトグループをはじめ、さまざまな部門において技術職として、また幅広いビジネスの経験を積むことができます。ハードウェア、ソフトウェアの専門知識を深めたり、新しいことにチャレンジしたりする機会があります。 
  • やりがいとインパクトのある仕事をする: 革新的な製品とソリューションの開発に関わることにより、世界中のお客様のニーズに応えると同時に、人々の生活をより便利で安全かつ安心なものにすることに貢献できます。
  • 「ウェルビーイング」に焦点を置いた環境で最大限に能力を発揮する:ルネサスでは、リモートワーク制度などによる柔軟な勤務体制づくり、また従業員リソースグループの積極的な活動をサポートするなど、インクルーシブな職場環境構築を目指しています。従業員を第一に考えたカルチャーとグローバルなサポート体制が、入社後すぐに活躍できる環境を提供します。 






  1. Information Technology
  2. Toyosu
  3. Yes

Requisition ID



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