Project Manager, Software Development (U5L, U5M series)
This vacancy has now expired. Please see similar roles below...
- Drive the software development for automotive MCU products from planning to release phase on schedule.
- Collaborate closely across multiple departments such as Customers, Software Teams, Marketing, Engineering, Finance, Sales and Vendors/Suppliers during project development phase.
- Deploy best Program Management Practices: Bottoms-up planning, Dependency mapping, Critical path analysis and Risk mitigation using industry standard planning tools such as MS-Project for Software development.
- Monitor the SW development progress and report the status on a regular basis and escalate issues whenever needed. Also provide regular Project updates to the Senior Management.
- Co-ordinate and Conduct Project Gate reviews.
- Take personal accountability to drive the projects and deliver them on schedule. Ensure proper project meeting cadence is in place and with regular follow-up’s on ALL Action Items to resolve any open issues.
- Support Program Manager and project team in all organizational activities during the project development.
*The full details regarding your position scope as well as any future potential changes in work location and job scope will be provided during the interview proces
- Minimum 5 years project management experience in the engineering sector ideally in the automotive field
- Solid technical background with understanding and/or hands-on experience in hardware and software development
- Able to plan and manage complex Software Projects spanning across multiple departments
- Excellent client-facing and internal communication skills
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
- Expertise in Microsoft Office 365 including advanced skills in MS Project
- Confident English speaker in a global business environment
Renesas' automotive MCUs hold the No. 1 world-wide market share and we are now aiming to expand our product lineup to acheive further business growth. Therefore creating a need to strengthen the organization accordingly. Software Development is a vital element necessary to expand our business and this is also why we would like to invite talented Project Managers to join us on our mission.
ルネサスは「人々の暮らしを楽(ラク)にする」技術で持続可能な将来を築いていく日本を代表する半導体企業です。自動運転やIoTなど多様な分野において、先進的な製品やソリューションを提供しています。当社の製品は、世界中の主要な電子機器メーカーに採用され、日々の暮らしに欠かせない身の回りのあらゆる電子機器に使用されています。 当社では世界25カ国の製造・開発・販売拠点において20,000人以上の従業員が働いています。グローバルチームとして、すべての従業員が、行動指針である「Renesas Culture」をもとに、互いに学習、協力、成長、目標に向けて前進しながら、日々さまざまな課題解決に取り組んでいます。 当社を取り巻く環境は近年の活発な大型M&Aを含めて、他に類を見ないほどダイナミックに動いています。今後もインフラやデータエコノミー関連の急成長市場でのシェア拡大や、産業/IoTや自動車分野でのプレゼンス強化を図ります。変化の激しい中、グローバルチームの一員として、私たちと一緒に持続可能な将来を築いていただける方をお待ちしています。
- Project Management
Requisition ID