Custom SoC Business Developmnet(Market Strategy Focus)

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Job Description

Marketing specialist to find new potential custom SOC markets/customers and to make strategy for target markets/customers,cooperating with the sales department to expand the custom SoC business.
-Selection of the market/application to be investigated.
-Customer/competitor analysis and clarification of technology trends in the target market.
-Target market/customer selection.
-Planning strategy for each customer.
-Advanced technology development proposals.
-Execution of PDCA

*The full details regarding your position scope as well as any future potential changes in work location and job scope will be provided during the interview process. 


- Experience working with customers in custom SoC business as a salesperson or engineer

- Basic knowledge of market strategy theory
- Semiconductor device design and development experience
- Knowledge of semiconductor process trends, IP and interface specifications, and standardization trends
- Specification formulation, design, and experience for equipment in which custom SoC is used
- Knowledge for specific or wide-ranging applications

Company Description

Custom SoC Solutions Division was newly established in January 2024 as a division that focuses on custom SoCs.To expand the custom SoC business, we are recruiting human resources to consider market strategies in order to develop markets/customers. Many of custom SoC customers are top companies in their respective markets, by interacting with customers and being involved in business development, gain insight into cutting-edge technology trends for each application.

Additional Information

ルネサスは「人々の暮らしを楽(ラク)にする」技術で持続可能な将来を築いていく日本を代表する半導体企業です。自動運転やIoTなど多様な分野において、先進的な製品やソリューションを提供しています。当社の製品は、世界中の主要な電子機器メーカーに採用され、日々の暮らしに欠かせない身の回りのあらゆる電子機器に使用されています。 当社では世界25カ国の製造・開発・販売拠点において20,000人以上の従業員が働いています。グローバルチームとして、すべての従業員が、行動指針である「Renesas Culture」をもとに、互いに学習、協力、成長、目標に向けて前進しながら、日々さまざまな課題解決に取り組んでいます。 当社を取り巻く環境は近年の活発な大型M&Aを含めて、他に類を見ないほどダイナミックに動いています。今後もインフラやデータエコノミー関連の急成長市場でのシェア拡大や、産業/IoTや自動車分野でのプレゼンス強化を図ります。変化の激しい中、グローバルチームの一員として、私たちと一緒に持続可能な将来を築いていただける方をお待ちしています。



  1. Business Development
  2. Kodaira
  3. No

Requisition ID



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